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学术讲座:NMR 系列讲座

Lecturer  Dr.  Vasudevan Ramesh

School of Chemistry the University of Manchester

Learning objectives

Understanding the NMR experimental parameters which govern the quality of resultant NMR spectra

To elaborate on the principles and experimental methods involved in the acquisition, data processing and interpretation of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectra

To demonstrate the application of NMR in elucidating structures with suitable examples


Basic principles of NMR and experimental parameters,

1H, 13C chemical shifts; multinuclear NMR

Relationship between the NMR spectrum and molecular structure

Spin–spin coupling; H-H, C-H coupling constants; Karplus relationship

Analysis of NMR spectra; nomenclature of spin systems

Fourier transformation; sensitivity enhancement; nuclear relaxation

Multipulse NMR techniques; DEPT experiment

Two-dimensional NMR; chemical shift correlation (COSY, TOCSY, HMQC and HMBC)

The Nuclear Overhauser Effect; 1D NOE , 2D NOESY and ROESY

NMR Applications; dynamic NMR

Intended learning outcomes

Demonstrate an understanding of the NMR phenomenon and its applications

Explain the significance of chemical shifts (1H, 13C ) and their use in functional group identification

Describe the physical basis of spin-spin coupling

Exemplify how coupling constants can be used to determine stereochemical relationships

Show how enhancement of sensitivity takes place due to Fourier transformation

Explain the utility of multipulse NMR in spectral simplification

Describe in a simple way how 2D NMR works and the different types of experiments that can be performed

Rationalise the NOE effect ( 1D and 2D ) to solve organic structural problems

Demonstrate how NMR can be applied to investigate dynamic effects ( e.g. barriers to rotation etc)


时间: 四月六日起 ,每周一、五下午2:00开始,每次大约2小时。共8次。



Dr. Vasudevan Ramesh是重点室的客座教授,多年从事NMR工作,经验丰富。这次系列讲座内容广泛,包括NMR的基础知识和高级应用。欢迎对核磁共振波谱感兴趣的老师、同学参加。还有继续教育学分!


